Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time for Kindergarten!

Six years ago we sat went to our sonogram appointment to find out the big questions...boy or girl. I was pretty sure it was another boy, but I wanted to make sure. "It's a girl!!" Wow, I thought, how am I going to raise a little girl? What I did not realize at the time was how much she would learn by watching my every move. It's down right scary the things they pick up on.
This morning was like any other. Brush your hair, get dressed, brush your teeth, find your backpack, go back and really brush those teeth. I finished putting up Abbey's hair, and I went to my bathroom to finish myself. As I rushed down the stairs I heard her still rummaging around in her bathroom, so I yelled for her to hurry and come down. "Here I come, I'm finally finished getting all my make-up on!" WHAT?! She proudly hopped of the last step and strutted across the floor..."Don't I look beautiful mom?" She had some sort of greenish blueish glittery eye shadow and sparkle lipstick from ear to ear. I did what every mom would have done, I grabbed the camera and told her that she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She allowed these four self posed shots, than she was out the door and in the car, off to school we went. She is so stinkin' cute.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Extreme Room Makeover

Before shot. Poor Abbey gets all of the leftover furniture.

When we moved in 4 years ago, I was in a big hurry to get rid of white walls. Four years!! Wow. Anyway, my little devil was 2 years old. All we really knew about this little girl was her temperament. She had one of the shortest most random fuses ever given to a child. She was no walk in the park. When deciding on a theme for her room, I assumed that she would follow suit with most every girl and want to play with dolls and be a princess. I could have not been any more wrong about that. As she got older she preferred hitting boys not chasing them, matchbox cars instead of barbies and pretty much any animal over dolls. She prefers a dog to a doll any day. Sure, she gets the occasional attempts from Mema to play with dolls, and she entertains the notion while she is in town, but she always goes back to the animal kingdom. The little doll house in the corner only houses dogs, dinosaurs and matchbox cars. No people allowed.
One thing she has taken to is the beach. She would rather visit the beach to any other place on earth. I call her my Roxie girl. We discussed a surfer girl room for about a year before anything actually got done. The thought of paining furniture makes my back hurt, but we went ahead and did it. I also had plenty of "help" painting. Sure this "help" did not speed up my process, but dang they sure were cute. In fact, Abbey declared this "The best day ever." Anyway, after finally finding all of the "oops" paint colors that I needed, and several 75% off bargains from Target, we are almost complete!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weekend Get Away

When it comes to being "girly" I really struggle. I don't refer to things as "precious", I don't really enjoy the mommy-kid groups such as MOPS, I prefer texting and facebook conversations to picking up the phone, and I would prefer to hang out with the guys on the back porch at all of the couple gatherings.
One thing I'm guilty of is being a scrapbooker. If it makes any difference, I still stir the pot when it comes to scrapbook conversations. Any who, last weekend some friends of mine set out for Flagstaff to enjoy a no kid or husband get away. The funny thing is, almost every conversation we had revolved around someones kid or husband. When it came to the group as a whole, I was definitely the light weight of the bunch. I took several mental breaks and went upstairs to check everyones status on facebook and answer emails. I was also the one who went to bed the earliest, 1am. Overall, the weekend was a success. The snow started to fall and the place was instantly beautiful. I could have stayed another day just taking pictures.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back in the Saddle

It's been about 3 months since we have not needed some sort of arm apparatus on that arm. She has had a cast on her arm since Halloween, so now when I see her without it, it looks strange.
For several weeks Abbey has been wanting to ride her bike without training wheels. I'm not so down with that right now. In fact, I can play a flash forward in my head about 16 different ways and they all end in the ER. All it would take is one bad fall and we would be back in the same position we just got out of. Somehow, I convinced her to ride up and down the street with the training wheels. Now, if I could only convince her for the next 10 years, I'd feel better.