Six years ago we sat went to our sonogram appointment to find out the big questions...boy or girl. I was pretty sure it was another boy, but I wanted to make sure. "It's a girl!!" Wow, I thought, how am I going to raise a little girl? What I did not realize at the time was how much she would learn by watching my every move. It's down right scary the things they pick up on.
This morning was like any other. Brush your hair, get dressed, brush your teeth, find your backpack, go back and really brush those teeth. I finished putting up Abbey's hair, and I went to my bathroom to finish myself. As I rushed down the stairs I heard her still rummaging around in her bathroom, so I yelled for her to hurry and come down. "Here I come, I'm finally finished getting all my make-up on!" WHAT?! She proudly hopped of the last step and strutted across the floor..."Don't I look beautiful mom?" She had some sort of greenish blueish glittery eye shadow and sparkle lipstick from ear to ear. I did what every mom would have done, I grabbed the camera and told her that she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She allowed these four self posed shots, than she was out the door and in the car, off to school we went. She is so stinkin' cute.