Today on my beloved Facebook, I saw one of my friends post a "30 days of me" challenge. It was a beautiful photo of her on her wedding day, wearing my boots. She set forth a list of things to do for the next 30 days, so I will take that and run. Today's challenge was to post a photo of yourself (gulp) and write 15 facts about you. I will try to find 15 of the lesser known factoids.
Real proof that I am an original red head. No matter how hard I try, I can't find this color in a bottle. |
Well, the rules did not specify an age, so I will pick this lovely little gem. This photo has so much going for it. I was dressed in pants that were clearly too big. Seriously, look at that killer "Annie" belt. I rocked that leaping lizards belt. The yellow puffy shirt, a classic. I can't really explain the vest/scarf combo, but I'm pretty sure it looked cool with the cowboy boots I had on. This was taken at my Nanny and Papa's house. I pretty much lived there on the weekends. My sister and I pretty much got anything and everything we ever wanted. Normally, we would hit up the snow cone place down the street and the Five and Dime. We even had our own room upstairs. We would pretty much spend our time listening and dancing to the Michael Jackson "Thriller" record. This room was previously occupied by my dad and uncle, so every time we would turn out the lights, we could see the name "Gordon" painted on the door with glow in the dark paint. Wow, I could talk about those days for pages and pages. Good Times.
OK, back to my 15......
1. If I ask for a coke, I mean Dr. Pepper.
2. My favorite spot in my house is on my balcony laying in my hammock.
3. I fly on a plane like cats ride in cars. As I watch people board my flight, I wonder what actor/actress would play each particular person. My character is always played by Tina Fay. It's a dramody.
4. I'm secretly planning a re-do wedding. I watch every wedding show TLC has to offer.
5. I'm still best friends with my childhood best friends.
6. I'm allergic to planet earth with 4 exceptions: Box Elder trees, the Castor bean, smut and the cockroach. Yes, I'm allergic to that horse I'm snuggling with.
7. I don't love large groups of children.
8. I got my first black eye on my son's 4th grade field trip
9. I love being a rule breaker. I particular love the "over signed" establishment. If there is a sign that says "only take 2" I will take 3 every time.
10. I'm pretty sure I will die violently in the shower.
11. I hate Starbucks coffee
12. I know where every Sonic is in the Phoenix area, and most of them know me.
13. I make sure I tell everyone I meet that I'm from Texas. It's important they know.
14. When I started photography I swore I would never shoot weddings. ever.
15. I can't think of the last time I played a game without cheating.