On January 1, 2000 my life changed forever. I became a mom. Prior to that date I thought I knew what the word "tired" and "busy" meant. Everyone told me how different my life would change, but I had no idea. None. I spent most of my time just watching his every move. I must have called the doctor once a week. By kid number two, we only went in for shots and normally a month or two late. In some ways I feel like I've learned so much, in others I feel like I'm about to jump into a bigger pit. One with snakes and creepy clowns. We are getting so close to teenager years I can smell it. No really, the smell is awful and hard to miss. Pungent really.
Staying true to my "mother of the year" title, I had to shoot a wedding on Andrew's actual birthday. We've also realized he has a much better turn out if we can celebrate a little further away from Christmas. He always has a better turn out. Back by popular demand, we did the Mobile Game Cave. What can I say, I know people. It was a hit.
There they are. Everyone loves a group shot. Most of the kids on the left half of this shot are from his class at school, most of the right half are from the neighborhood. Actually, I could probably claim the right half of this photo on my taxes. I'm not sure they leave. They watch for our truck to pull in the driveway. Nick, the little kid in the blue who was obviously too thirsty to wait for me to shoot this picture, helped me clean out the garage. Funny enough, it's also the first time I've ever seen this kid fully dressed.
now that I think about it, I should have lightened this up. |
As I walked into the trailer to take the above photo, they were starting up another round of Halo. They were playing 10 against 1. They were all trying to beat Andrew, unsuccessfully. We eventually made it out for food, cake and presents. Andrew had requested Mema's strawberry cake with strawberry icing. He was also pretty excited to have a pink cake. Nothing says 11 year old boy like a pink cake. Being the awesome parent that I am, I only bought a 10 pack of candles. I'm too cheap to buy a second 10 pack for only one candle. Abbey said she had a great idea. She made a number "9" on his cake. What can I say? She's gifted like her mommy......socially. We had the best pink 11th birthday cake with 10 candles formed in a 9. Only in the Weems house. I would have it no other way!
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