Twas the morning of Christmas when all through the house, all the creatures were stirring, including the mouse.
All the boxes were full of presents galore waiting for kids to come down to the first floor.
The children were up and out of their beds, with visions of presents stuck in their heads.
With him in his flannels and I in my tee had visions of kiddos unwrapping in our dreams.
When out down the hall there rose such a clatter, I pretended to sleep and pretend not to matter.
Away to our bed they sprang with a clatter, "It's Christmas, It's Christmas, it's time to go down." "Wake up, Wake up." they continued to hound.
So we hopped out of bed and began to get ready with attempts to get rid of my bed heady.
Away to the tree they flew like a flash, they tore open the gifts and thew up the trash.
When, what to my sleepy eyes should appear, but a huge mess of boxes and wires to tear.
More rapid than lightning out of the room they ran, off playing with toys, including my man.
"Now Andrew, Now Abbey, Now Daddy come too, you've left this big mess, come clean up too.
To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall, they dashed away, dashed away, dashed away all.
With a bundle of trash flung over my back, I looked like a peddler going out to the trash.
Now off to prepare my Christmas day dinner and thoughts of my menu not making me thinner. I noticed my husband saying come hither.
With a wink of his eye and a twist of his head, soon gave me to know I had something to dread. He requested a turkey with lots of good bread.
As we prepared the table fit for a king, I knew I had all of everything. My husband, my kids and my mom there too, I knew we were blessed with more than we knew.
As I sat with fine china and fancy stemware, I was still comfortably wearing my overnight wear.
To sit with pajamas at dinner, giving thanks for all that we hold dear, I look with excitement to do it all again next year.