When we moved to AZ several years ago we quickly realized the perks of living near family. We never needed to call or pay a teenager to watch the kids. We had many volunteers, and free ones. Finding someone who you can trust with your perfect little devils is an arduous task. We probably went a year without a sitter before we met Victoria. When we met her she was in high school, had a car and did not have a boyfriend. The perfect babysitter trifecta. She instantly hit it off with the kids, and only sent Abbey to the ER once. When she started out with us, Andrew was our good kid and Abbey was the little monster. Looking back, it's hard to even think that's possible. They have totally switched rolls, but that's not my point.
This fall my dear sweet Victoria betrayed us big time. Not only did she decide to start dating a boy, she went away to college. It really took us some time to adjust, but we have managed. We use her protege, Laycie, for the most part. Every once in a while I'll get a text from V that she is coming to town, and we leave just for the occasion. Tonight, we had some last minute mommy/daddy time before the crazy Christmas week begins. Thanks Victoria!!
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