Having lunch with Andrew was a little different. The PE class had shifted out, but it was still full of 2nd and 3rd graders. Andrew was happy to see me, but you would have never known. He grabbed his Mikey D's and headed to the end of an abandoned table. I guess if your mom comes to lunch, it's best to avoid everyone completely? As soon as we sat down, the table began to populate.....with girls. There was not a boy within a 10 foot radius. As I sat and recalled Abbey's lunch had been a similar experience with the opposite gender. What was happening? Was this normal? I asked Andrew where his buddies where and he could not even point in the general direction. My thoughts jumped ahead about 5 years, and I started to sweat.
Any who, after coming back to reality I started asking the girls in front of us about their lunch. I had sat through 2 lunch breaks and could not figure out what they were serving those kids! One of the more adventurous girls volunteered to taste the concoction. She came to the conclusion that the mystery meat was chicken with a pint of gravy, but she could not be certain. She added that she was going to ask her mom to start making her lunch. Good choice, wise beyond her years.
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