Trick or treat? When I woke up on Halloween, I had no idea of all the tricks that were in store for us. Yesterday I was getting everything ready for Andrew's class party at the park next to the school (not on campus). About 10 minutes into the party, I saw Abbey's teacher at the park. She had that look. You know, the look. She told me that Abbey broke her arm and she had been trying to reach me. My phone was in the car, and I NEVER leave my phone. Anyway, I drove to school and blew past the grumpy office staff and into the nurses office. Abbey had a very broke arm. Her arm was more "u" shaped than "l". My stomach instantly turned and I felt light headed as I swooped her to the car.
I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. My poor baby screamed and cried the whole way there. We were both in tears when we got there. The triage nurse asked what the problem was, and before I could answer he said "oh, wow."
The Dr. came in and hinted several times about surgery, but needed to see the x-rays. He even brought in a pair of paramedics in to show them what it looks like when a bone breaks through the skin. They started an IV on Abbey and gave her several drugs to help with the pain. The x-rays showed both bones very broken just below her left wrist. Her hand and wrist were only attached to her arm by skin and muscle. Just looking at that x-ray made me very nauseous.
They finally decided to to a procedure to set her arm. They gave her a trio of sedatives and disassociatives and let me know that I would be best outside. There were about 12 Dr's and a very large machine, so there was really no room for me anyway. They set her arm back as best they could. They assured me that although it's not set perfect, her bones should find each other. He also said pins were not completely out of the picture. We have to wait two weeks to find that part out.
She as so upset about not getting to go out trick or treating in her beloved Hannah Montana costume. We could not get her shirt off, so we managed to somehow get a Hannah Montana t-shirt on over everything. She was still heavily medicated so we managed to walk to a few houses. The medicine wore off quick, and we had a long sleepless night. She has been in so much pain, and she can't get comfortable. I only find time to blog because I promised to stay in here while she fell asleep. I will join her as soon as I'm done here. Poor poor sweet baby.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness. How horrible is that?? I hope she is finidng a way to be more comfortable now. I know you had a hard time with that when you broke your arm. We missed you yesterday but CERTAINLY undersatnd. How did she break it? Jungle gym?
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