The gazebo has always been a run around. One stiff wind and this thing is a goner.

Out at her breakfast picnic with Mema. I could not love that face more.

Catching a spider is always first on the to do list when visiting Mema.

The best smiles from these two are always sneak attacks.

When I think vacation I think one thing, beach. If I had two things it would be beach and sand. If I had three maybe beach, sand and ice cream. However, this year our vacation turned into a trip "home". When you move thousands of miles from home and take the grand kids with you, you must go "home" when you get a chance. And after all, Texas has some of the greatest ice cream ever so it's kinda a twofer.
This year I decided to be a Texas tourist. I know it's totally crazy, but I feel so weird taking my camera to my "everyday" activities. OK, now that I really think about this it's not that weird. I really do take my camera everywhere, I'm a photographer. Every event, party or performance done Weem's style, there it is. Wow. What a revelation. Wait, was I going somewhere with that? Not sure, any who, lots 'o pictures this time.
Hanging out at Mema's means several things.....Co-sleeping with my child, waking up early and pretending that I'm still sleeping just because co-sleeping child finally left the room and I just need an hour to myself so I can function for the remainder of the day, bugs and swarms of them, humidity, bar-b-Que, Mexican food but the best part is picking up where you left off with friends and family.
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