Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Homework Makes A Comeback

It's no secret that homework is not my favorite thing.  I did not enjoy it as a student, and I continue to hate it as a parent.  It's an almost guaranteed fight.  Today, I heard the front door open and heavy stomps to the kitchen table.  I pretended to not notice the drama.  Papers shuffle, drawers open and shut, then quite.  I'm curious, but still avoiding the impending struggle.  I hear "oh yeah, baby." 

 Homework assignment:  Choose a snack, hold it, smell it, taste it and describe it.  What luck!  This whole assignment is completed every time this kid eats.  She completely loves the act of eating.  In fact, for her birthday she wants to have a "melting pot" birthday party with a gaggle of her girlfriends.  Talk about bringing a tear of joy to a mothers eye.
Her food of choice?  Ice Cream.  Beautiful. Wonderful. Ice Cream.  Lucky for me, she did not notice my Blue Bell stash.  Upon finishing, she declaimed her love for both homework and ice cream.  We shall see, we shall see.

Once the bow was licked clean, it was time to round up the neighborhood posse. 
Just a side note, not that I'm counting.....post 2 of 30.  Completo.

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