One picture waiting inside for the concert, and the big picture is in the car before we walk in. Yes, she is screaming.

In case you ever wanted to know what it looks like to watch a concert from the last row in the building.

Thank God for nifty zooms and arm rest tripods.
If you were to ever grab my ipod, you might notice my full collection of Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus songs. I might also tell you that they are in there just for Ab's. That, however, would not be the complete truth. She kinda rocks and she's fun to dance to. We are, after all, HUGE dance in the living room with music blaring fans. We even have a huge mirror downstairs that we can check ourselves out while dancing a fool. Again, off on at tangent.

Back in June, I surprised Abbey with news about the concert. She was excited, but not real sure what a concert involved. It was pretty obvious when she had mentioned how cool it would be to talk to Miley and get her "sign-a-ture". After explaining that our seats were closer to roof than Miley, she was a little confused. As the day grew closer our excitement did too. What to wear, how to do our hair, trying to pull that dang tooth out, where to eat......lots to do and talk about.
It's hard to put into words how she reacted. Sometimes, she would just hop around or scream because there were no words for her either. After seeing Miley on stage for the first time she kept repeating "Oh my gosh, that's Hannah Montana!" Her face lit the room. In fact, I spent most of the concert just watching her. We've all been to the concert and seen the many different concert approaches. Some just sit and watch, some sit, clap and sing a long, some sleep but the fun ones really know how to dance it up. Abbey is a dancer!! She swung her arms around the WHOLE time. Toward the end of the concert, she had lots of room to move around so she made full use of that space putting on her own show. One perk of sitting on the last row is the small table behind us. I was able to put my camera down and film some of her moves. I have several bits, but I'll just post one. I'm so excited I could experience her very first concert. She has her fair share of pain in the butt moments, but this makes up for it. Even more, I finally have a good concert buddy that I can take with me and really have a good time!
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