No real reason for this picture other than a pretty standard progression to all of our photo attempts. I could line a album with these things.
Just yesterday I was out shopping and found a shirt that screamed "Abbey". It was blue, her favorite color, and had the message I love my puppy. I carried it around for a minute, but I ultimately put it down. The reason? Simple. I did not want to see that t-shirt every 3rd day for the next 12 months. If I've learned nothing else (and it is quite possible that I have not) I've learned to buy clothes that I don't mind seeing on a regular basis. If I don't want to see it, I don't but it. Great Rule.

With all that being said, and because I can be a slow learner, we do have those "special" items in the closet that get intentionally overlooked. Up until now, I've grabbed the socks in the morning just because they are the top drawer and I know there are MANY pairs in there that should never see the light of day. In an effort to please me (rare) she dressed and got her own socks. With overwhelming pride she popped around the corner to present herself to me. A very "ta da" moment.
What?! My eyes almost popped out just trying to find a place to look first. Was it the mid-shin length, was it the color, was it the text? Surely it was not the floral print Chucks? Trying to keep her proud of her "achievement", I started with a simple "Wow! Look at you?" "What's up with those socks?" Abbey replies, "They say I love you and I want to wear them to school." I returned with the question that I was pretty sure I knew the answer to. It was pretty obvious to me that she wanted to tell her beloved mom, right? I continued, "Who do you want to tell 'I love you' to?" Abbey grinned and said quickly "Ms. Sowers, I love her soooooo much!".
Seriously, how can you possibly make her take those off? Ms. Sowers, my hat is off to you. We knew you had a tough act to follow with those amazing Kindergarten teachers we had last year. I'm not even sure if you'll notice (although hard to miss) that her socks were sending a message straight to you.
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