Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day Goodness

Andrew would only pose for one picture and this was it. Fascinating.
Quick nervous smile while waiting on the light to change.Craziness in the Kindergarten/First Grade wing. Not sure why, I just really dig this shot.
Settling in, late of course.Nothing beats the excitement of the first day of school. New supplies, new teachers and catching up with old friends. For one particular Weems, this is normally the only day where the teacher is completely unaware any "history" he may have had with teachers past. A perfect angel.
Abbey was "totally excited" that her friend Johnny was in her class. I was totally NOT excited about being in a peanut free classroom. It's never a good sign when Mr. Peanut's picture is crossed out and glued to the front door. Up until this year we have dodged the 'ole peanut blackout. I mean seriously, dang the luck on that one.
Andrew was late being dropped off at his school, but we made it there just in time to cause a scene and snap a couple embarrassing photos. Nothing like your obnoxious mom standing at the door with a ginormous camera snapping away at the door while everyone is already working. I mean really, who would do that to their kid? If I knew someone, their photos would look a bit like the ones posted above. Not saying that I would do that, but I may know someone who does.

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