Monday, January 17, 2011

Now, where was I?

OK, so long term goals are not my thing.  As it turns out, 30 straight days of blogging is not going to happen.  I don't want to give up, I love to blog.  It's just so hard to find time to think of something clever to say.  Some would argue that they are still waiting for clever.  Rest assured, it's not coming.  However, I will continue to blog.  My goal this time is 9 days in a row.  Why nine, you ask?  No reason, just nine sounds like a fun number.  Here goes 1 of 9.....

So much has happened since my last post, I feel like I should back up a bit.  While the holidays normally put me in a tail spin, they were eventful.  As November approached, we noticed there was a weekend that seemed to be uneventful.  For us, nothing on a weekend is rare and something that should be celebrated.  So, we did just that.  We found a cozy spot in Flagstaff to rent out for the weekend.  As the day approached, I relished in the fact that I could sit on the couch and do nothing relatively guilt free.  If it snowed, a real bonus.
My sweet little boy loves sneaking kisses from Abbey, our little man eater.
We arrived with the promise of snow in the forecast.  Day one was spent hiking and exploring the forest behind us.  Day two we woke up to snow falling.  It was slow at first, but really picked up.  We were in business!  We hiked around looking for the perfect slope to sled down, but did not have much luck.  Most spots had tree stump blocking an otherwise perfect hill.  We also decided to check out the Lowell Observatory.  It was pretty much blizzard conditions.  The wind was howling and the snow was coming down in an almost horizontal direction.

Andrew had several questions.  It's fun seeing your kid excited about learning.  I have to enjoy this with Andrew since it's not ever going to happen with Weems 2.0

The super rare Weems Family pose.  Thank God for camera timers.

After we finished up, we went out for another hike.  It was FREEZING, but fun.  It's really pretty therapeutic throwing snow balls at your family.  Somehow hurling a tightly packed ball made of snow and ice is ok to throw and those we love most.  It's even better if you somehow make it into one of the openings in the clothing.  There is nothing worse than ice getting trapped into your clothes. 

My trouble child
All in all we had a great time.  It was good timing and just what the witch doctor ordered.  Even though one of us came home with strep throat, it was a success.
You can never have too many marshmallows.

Up to no good.

more trouble

I love that this girl always has remnants of chocolate on her face

this face melts me

One last attempt at a family photo.  Guess who has strep throat?

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