Thursday, October 16, 2008

One Down, One To Go

This week is proving a bit difficult. To sum it up with two words, teacher conferences. This is the time of year when I have to stop pretending that my kids are the best behaved kids in the class. Until now I get to live the delusional life and pretend that my kids leave my car little hellions and enter the classroom an angel and a joy to the classroom. This is the week we all know the truth.
As Ab's teachers so kindly put it, "Abbey's not a wall flower." I've always known this. She can work a room like a politician. She has one ear and eye on her assignment and the other set scoping out the room. Who's playing with whom and what. When I try to get her to work on her home workbooks she often suggest, "Mom, let's just play." The act of learning often comes in second to pretty much anything. Her teachers reassured me that she is learning at a great pace. It all seems to be sinking in somehow.
Tomorrow will be a whole different conference experience. As if the 5 or 6 conferences with Andrew's teacher weren't enough, it's now time for our first official conference. Please pray for Andrew's safety and well being tomorrow afternoon. It could be a long drive home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll take them anytime they are in too much trouble.