Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Before too much time passes, I want to blog about my very special father. I took this picture of the sunset at my parents house the night my dad passed away. As the sun set that night, I wondered if would ever shine again. My dad was such a light and inspiration in my life. I will always wonder if he knew just how much I loved him or just how much he would be missed. He was such an unassuming man. He held no public office, he never preached a sermon, he never rescued anyone from a burning building but he was one of the greatest men who ever lived. He did so many special things for others and told no one. He never bragged about who he helped out or the great ways that he showed love to others, but I know now that he did.

As I sat with him the last couple of weeks of his life, I saw so many people come and go from the house. Each person brought stories of how dad impacted their life. I am motivated to be a better person, and I strive to make my kids proud to call me mom. I want to do good things for others and never tell a sole. I want to look for ways to help others without recognition. I want to be more servant minded.

I know my dad is in a better place, and I can't wait to hear his voice call my name again. I can't wait to get one of his big strong hugs. Abbey asked the other day if we get sparkley legs in heaven. I told her that I was not sure but I know Papa has a new body that is cancer free now. He's free to eat as much chocolate ice cream and dr. pepper he can stomach.

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