Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wow, this whole work out thing is really working for me. I woke up this morning a little sore from my vigorous workout regiment the day before, but I motivated myself to get to the gym. When I arrived I noticed two firetrucks and an ambulance, so naturally I worried about my senior friends up on the track. Much to my viewing pleasure, there was a basketball scrimmage going on. Firefighters vs. Paramedics. I immediately found motivation to stay on track with my workout.

I did notice that old man jogger was obviously intimidated by my speed and did not show today. I did have a hard time keeping up with "fish or die" dude, but easily passed Hawaii 5-O man. I think he had a wooden leg, but I can't confirm that. After a mile and some change (immediately following the big bb game) I went into the cardio room. Old man winter was finishing up on the bike, so I sat next to him. He must have been intimidated by my blazing speed because he left shortly afterward, and I had the place to myself. I put in 1 1/2 miles on the bike and almost stroked out. I sat on the bike stationary for the next 10 minutes starting at my calories burt. Depressing.

Any who, nothing completes a great workout like two scoops of cappuccino chunk! Yum.

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